Our Region
About the Wimmera Southern Mallee
The Wimmera Southern Mallee (WSM) covers approximately 20% of Victoria’s land mass but is home to only around 1% of its population.
This sparsely populated region is home to many small, vibrant communities, and two larger rural centers, Horsham and Stawell.
It is home to almost 3,000 children aged 0-4 years.
Australian Early Developmental Cencus (AEDC) data collected in 2018 demonstrated high levels of vulnerability and a growing gap between WSM children and their urban counterparts.
AEDC data also revealed that a high proportion of children were starting school with emerging health and development needs.
AEDC data collected in 2021 has demonstrated that this gap is widening.
All children should have access to the services and support they need to thrive. Children living in rural and remote locations are entitled to experience equity of service access and outcomes.
WSM communities have strong social capital and are rich in knowledge, expertise, and are connected to place.
By Five is committed to leveraging local assets to improve equity, access and quality of care for children where they live.